Utpal KC

Utpal KC
Get the ultimate secret to become
Wealth Worthy,
without spending lakhs of Rupees & years in training
The course that rocked Mumbai once and transformed many lives in 3 days has become online and going global
key Benefits
By the time you finish the course you will be able to
1. realise how to get the world need (pay) you
2. understand the secret of success & wealth​
3. show enormous confidence & leadership
4. feel the blissfulness of a fulfilling life
5. experience clarity of purpose
6. see opportunities all around
🔥 Session 1: Paradigm Shift
How to access other peoples perspective, connect and enrol them for your purpose even if the perspectives are radically different.
🔥 Session 2: Daivik Whisper
How we mislead ourselves and create growth barriers everywhere around and how to break through it.
🔥 Session 3: Secret of Wealth
Reality of money and the ultimate secret to creating wealth through purpose correction.


Utpal KC
Utpal KC is an author and a finance & leadership expert with around 25 years experience in the investment industry with big corporates.
As an avid trainer he has conducted more than 500 sessions and trained over 10,000 people and transformed their lives on various aspects.
From a humble beginning with his hard work and continuous learning Utpal attained CXO level positions. He was leading big teams of highly qualified people through many challenges.
Utpal has authored many books and he was featured regularly in national and international print, television and electronics media.
By qualification he is an MBA in Finance, he earned master diploma in training and passed CFA Level 2 from CFA Institute, Virginia, USA.