Utpal KC

No Brainer Crores Planners

How To Achieve
Seemingly Impossible Goals
Without A Big Income or Fin Knowledge
One of the most scientific
personal finance courses
by Utpal KC - 20+ yrs experience of giving investment advice to mutual fund, insurance companies and banks

Featured In

Financial Freedom Secrets
2 Days Live Sessions
Saturday 8:00 pm & Sunday 10:30 am
Prerecorded Videos:
Wed - Sun; access any time
Batch starts on:
Sunday, 9th Feb 2025
After registration download your FREE ebook,
'6 Steps To Select The Right Mutual Fund Using Time-Risk Matrix,' worth Rs 490/-
By making payment you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Services, Refund Policy and TRAI Agreements,
Key Outcomes
Our participants are expert in
1. distinguishing right and wrong financial instruments for creating wealth, so they don’t waste their hard earned money.
2. identifying the right insurance products for protection of life and health, so that their family can feel secured in true sense.
3. identifying the top rated mutual funds for their goal, such that they don’t waste money investing in under-rated funds.
4. saving a lot of time that people normally waste through trial and error. They also understand how to save time to create goals.
5. understanding that financial insecurity becomes the primary cause of stress resulting into lifestyle diseases.

Utpal KC
4.9 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Utpal KC is India's first business wealth mentor and only mentor with institutional investment banking background. with 25 + years experience.
As an analyst Utpal advised almost all major mutual fund houses in India and treasury departments of insurance companies and banks. He was regularly interviewed in national and international print, television and electronic media.
As a trainer he has trained over thirty thousand people so far. He has authored many books on investment and currently writing another book on finance.
By qualification he is an MBA in Finance, he earned master diploma in training and passed CFA Level 2 from CFA Institute, Virginia, USA.

Why Crores Planners
If you want to set a seemingly impossible money goal and create a scientific plan to achieve it even if you do not have a finance degree OR
if you want to win over meagre rate of returns from your savings and investments OR
if you want to stop wasting time doing trial and error through free unorganised knowledge OR
if you want to be free from financial uncertainties, stress and resulting health issues
then you have reached the right place.
I am Utpal KC. I spent around two decades of my career advising major mutual fund houses in India and overseas fund managers as an equity analyst and chief strategist.
All of us work very hard and we want optimum return from our hard-earned money. However, 98% people is stuck up with investments that give piddly returns over their lifetime and they are not even aware of it.
A curious man from a naked land learns that he must wear a trouser. Then he learns that he also should wear a underwear. And now he looks like the Superman with underwear on top of his trouser. Similar things happen to the retail investors.
Retail investors end up buying odd inferior products due to heavy reliance on bits & pieces of unorganised free knowledge. On top of that rampant miss-selling for higher commissions. That results into wastage of hard earned money and poor wealth creation.
A few basic understandings can help one save crores over her life time. Yes, you read it correct - crores. And one doesn't need any finance background for that. We have created this super simplified step-by-step guide for retail investors. We named it CRORES PLANNERS COURSE.
It is a 2 days live interactive and pre-recorded sessions. During the course I will show you how good or bad your existing investments are. I will also guide you how to choose right investment schemes and how to achieve seemingly impossible financial goals through scientific planning.
Already more then 30 thousand participants from across India & abroad (NRIs) have completed the course.
Today IT Engineer Mr Ganesh is confident that he would be able to take early retirement with more than enough retirement corpus.
Single mother Mrs Malini becomes excited to discover that she actually needs to invest less than half of her savings for her son's future engineering education.
If you are seriously concerned about your heard earned money and your family's financial future, then you should join the course now.
~ Utpal KC
Course Curriculum
Live Session 1: (🔥 Saturday, 8:00 pm)
How to compare different investment schemes and choose the right one without complex calculations. Get all your investment schemes verified & questions answered by Utpal KC.
Live Session 2: (🔥 Masterclass - Sunday, 10:30 am)
How to achieve a 8-figure goal starting with a 4-figure monthly saving without prior financial knowledge.
Pre-recorded Session 1
How to use a spreadsheet to calculate the amount after investing a lumpsum for 'n' years in your mobile without prior knowledge on spreadsheets. (Approx. 30 min video + Quiz)
Pre-recorded Session 2
How much a monthly investment of Rs 'x' (SIP) will grow up to after 'n' years - calculate in seconds without understanding mathematics. (Approx. 30 min video + Quiz)
Pre-recorded Session 3
How to calculate returns on investment from SIP, lumpsum investment or any financial product and compare them without prior knowledge of finance. (Approx. 30 min video + Quiz)
Pre-recorded Session 4
How to invest in mutual funds and switch between different types to optimise return even if you don't understand alphas and betas of investment. (Approx. 30 min video + Quiz)
This is NOT a get-rich-quick program but rather an educational program to personal finance that anyone can act on in minutes. This program does not sell or intend to sell any kind of financial services or products. The formulas, strategies discussed in the program or website are available in various financial textbooks or materials or programs recommended by different recognised universities and educational institutions in India and abroad. If you are looking for an “earn more money program, make money online, get rich now” or similar kind of programs then this course is not for you. If you want to learn in a step-by-step method without any complex jargon on how to plan for your personal financial freedom then this is for you. All strategies and information provided on this website are general advice only and does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. Please seek personal financial and taxation advice prior to acting on this information. All content and information provided in this webpage and at the event is general advice and for educational purposes only. None of the information contained within this webpage or at the event constitutes, or is intended to constitute, a recommendation by the presenter that any particular security, investment or strategy is suitable for any specific or for all individuals. All readers of the webpage should make their own independent decisions regarding them. Saintwords Solutions or Utpal KC or its employees or contractors do not represent or guarantee that the information is accurate or free from errors or omissions and therefore provide no warrantees or guarantees. The material contained in the webpage does not take into account each reader’s particular investment objectives financial situation or needs. Past performance is not indicative of future results. If you wish to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy then you should consult a qualified and professional adviser to fully understand the risks associated with that course of action in your particular circumstances. This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. All of our terms, disclaimers, refund and privacy policies can be accessed via the links. We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (you & me) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. We hope this training and content brings you a lot of value & results. Copyright © 2023 utpalkc.com, Saintwords.com, Saintwords Solutions Pvt Ltd.
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