Utpal KC

Utpal KC
Learn To Plan Difficult Financial Goals
without prior financial knowledge
How to achieve a 8-figure goal starting with a 4-figure monthly saving with Crores Planners step-by-step guide

(Access video sessions at your convenient time over a week)
Wednesday, 16 Sep 2020

key outcomes
By the end of the online training​
You will be able to use spreadsheet to work out lump sum investment requirement to achieve a big future financial goal
You will be able to independently design a systematic investment plan to meet any big financial goal
You will be able to work out rate of return of your investments and compare them
You will have confidence that you can create your own pension fund starting with an affordable investment
Most Important: you will get an opportunity to join a community free of cost, which believes in financial freedom for all, guided by Utpal KC.

Level 1: How to use a spreadsheet to calculate the amount after investing a lumpsum for 'n' years in your mobile without prior knowledge on spreadsheets. (55 minute video + Quiz)
Level 2: How much a monthly investment of Rs 'x' will grow up to after 'n' years - calculate in seconds without understanding mathematics. (45 minute video + Quiz)
Level 3: How to calculate percentage returns from systematic & any investments and compare with others without a knowledge of finance. (40 minute video + Quiz)
Level 4: How to invest in mutual funds and switch between different types to optimize return even if you don't understand alphas and betas of investment. (55 minute video + Quiz)
Level 5: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Crores Planners Masterclass Live - How to achieve a 8-figure goal starting with a 5-figure investment without prior financial knowledge. 🔥(Live session by Utpal KC with Q&A)

Utpal KC
Utpal KC is an author and a financial expert with around 20 years experience in the world of investment with big corporates.
He has authored many books on investment and currently writing another book on finance
As an investment analyst Utpal was regularly interviewed in national and international print, television and electronic media.
Most of the major mutual funds in India were his clients
As a trainer he has conducted more than 500 sessions and trained over a thousand people.
By qualification he is an MBA in Finance, he earned master diploma in training and passed CFA Level 2 from CFA Institute, Virginia, USA.